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COVID-19 - Help & Support

How to get in touch


Our office will remain open during the pandemic to ensure access and we can be contacted via phone and e-mail. We are always assessing the situation and we have made the decision and we have a plan in place to partially work from home if need be. Rest assured, staff working from home will still be able to help you if need be.


Anglia Care COVID-19 Statement


We are keeping up with all current developemnts relating to the spread of Coronavirus.  Out protocols are being reviewed regularly and we are keeping in touch with all relevant authorities as needed. Anglia Care is committed to protect all our clients and staff by taking all possible steps as outlined in the published guidance. Out Business Continuity Plans are monitored regularly and we have made changes to the way we work to ensure we can maintain service delivery.  


COVID-19 advice


We are experiencing a period of rising COVID-19 infections throughout the UK and we must follow all advice from WHO and the UK Government. What we must do is minimise our exposure to it and to break the chain of infection in order to stop the spread.


We must all do the following:


- Wash our hands with soap and warm water when we arrive at work or at home and also during the day for at least 20 seconds.

- Use hand sanitiser when soap and water are not available.

- Have tissues on hand and cover your mouth when coughing or sneezing then dispose of them in ab in straight away.

- Sneeze in the bend of your elbow if tissues are not available and wash your hands or use hand sanitiser.

- Follow social distancing rules of at least 2m apart when shopping or in other public areas

- Avoid close contact with people who have respiratory illnesses

- Stay at home and do not go out unless it is absolutely essential and unavoidable

- Avoid touching your face or eyes with unwashed hands

- Disinfect objects and surfaces that are touched often

- Wear a mask or face covering when going shopping or in other enclosed spaces

- Stay at home if you have coronavirus symptoms and book a free test through the NHS by clicking here

- Follow the advice from the test and trace system if they ask you to self isolate. It is an offence in the UK not to self isolate punishable by a fine.

- Common symptoms of COVID-19 are a loss of taste or smell, high fever or a new, continuous cough.


What Anglia Care is doing 


- We are committed to provide the high quality service our clients are used to even during the pandemic and we will do whatever we can to ensure the smooth running of the service.  All our staff are undergoing or have undergone Infection Control and COVID-19 training.

- All staff wear full PPE, masks, gloves and visors if needed and know what to do if either a client or a staff member has symptoms.

- We are making sure everyone who can work from home will do so safely while still being able to support care staff who work in the community

- We are following all government guidelines and have COVID-19 risk assessment in place as per HSE guidelines.


Useful links


Visit the Department of Health and Social Care for more information


Advice for the public from the UK Government


Advice from WHO

Anglia Care

Unit 5, Beta Terrace

West Road

Ipswich, Suffolk


Tel: 01473 719185

Open 8.30am - 5pm (Mon - Fri)

Closed during Weekends and Bank Holidays

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